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Lokales Cover
Normale Ansicht MARC ISBD

Adiós prisión A tale of very spectacular escapes

Von: Mitwirkende(r): Materialtyp: TextTextVeröffentlichungsangaben: London Elephant Editions 2007Beschreibung: 125p 20,5 x 13,7 x 0,8 cmEinheitssachtitel:
  • Adiós prisión: el relato de las fugas más espectaculares spa
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Bücher | Periodika Bücher | Periodika Anarchistische Bibliothek und Archiv Wien HK-rg-Gar-1312 1 Verfügbar 343.57094309045

This book talks about freedom, the urgent need for freedom and the impossibillity of living without it. It says that freedom must be taken back at all costs and that it is exactly waht the protagonists of Adiós Prisión, Spanish prisoners under the infamous FIES regime, did: they took back their freedom using all means necessary, challenging the impossible, ready to kill for it if necessary. The protagonists of this book are not passive subjects of the prison system, on the contrary they are well aware of the fact that prison is the absolute negation of human dignity. As FIES prisoners they are experiencing directly how human beings will never adapt to live in prison, and their most impelling need is to escape in order to put an end to a situation that is unendurable. In this sense the crude tales of Adiós Prisión are particularly important: not only they offer a lurid picture of the FIES underworld, they also express fervid determination of some of its captives to get out no matter what the cost, to run to freedom without looking back, knowing that escape is their only possible chance of life. Another reason for publishing this book in English is to show once again what we have been repeating over and over: that the prison system cannot be reformed or made more humane, but it must be destroyed along with the power that justifies its existence.


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